by Meredith
11. October 2013 16:15

Appsomniacs is working on a new game called Crash Cart™ and I am helping out with creating a few backgrounds. In between OryCon publications work I have done only a few. After the convention I will crank up the output. This background is inspired by Halloween coming up and I thought a Tim Burtonesque theme would be fun to make.
by Meredith
8. January 2013 19:23

On Wednesday, January 9, I will be presenting at the PDX Adobe - Photoshop & Illustrator User's Group. Here are the presentation details and a PDF copy of the presentation.
"Graphic design and production for an iOS game," by Meredith Cook and colleague. Plus discussion with other users: designers, photographers, artists...
Come hear about the design and development of a published mobile game. The project's graphic designer and its coder will share their experiences. They'll focus on the game's graphics -- including technical requirements, tools, code integration, and the iterative process of development. Download the $0.99 game to your iPad or iPhone today.
LOCATION: TaborSpace, SE 55th + Belmont, Portland, OR. It's a big stone church building where classrooms are now for community use. Enter through the central doors (up stone steps), and look for signage.
PARKING: Building has its own parking lot in the block to the west.
TRANSIT. Bus line 15 stops right there.
6:00 Snacks and socializing
6:30 Program
7:40 Break, introductions (brief round robin), and networking
9:00 End
by Meredith
15. May 2012 22:21
Hey check it out, another good review for "Flip the Bird!" This one came with some really nice comments. Check out this one about the graphics: "The game possess fantastic graphics that are visually pleasing and fun to see."
AppPicker Review
Find "Flip the Bird" on Facebook
by Meredith
4. May 2012 16:45

Happy Star Wars Day from Flip the Bird!
Find "Flip the Bird" on Facebook
by Meredith
20. April 2012 22:26

Here's the April image for Flip...
(special thanks to John Cooney for the name idea "Flipsters")
Find "Flip the Bird" on Facebook
by Meredith
20. March 2012 16:41

From my side of things... lots of little tweaks to the graphics that I think bump up the look of the game to a professional level. Really trying to create a cohesive look between the game elements and everything that relates to the HUD/user interface. A lot of it is subtle and buried within the details but I think in the end they add a lot of polish.
Now if we could just get the attention of the right people to bump up sales. :P Once this release goes out we're going to push marketing hard. At least as hard as we can without spending any money; we still have hardware to recover costs on. But I've got a list of over 100 sites to submit our game out for review. This will be an excellent experiment to see what the payoff of submitting to those sites can be.
Flip Dev Update
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by Meredith
17. March 2012 22:30
Lovin' all the support. Thanks everyone! :D
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by Meredith
6. March 2012 15:49

Can we get the last of the game updates done before baby arrives?
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by Meredith
27. February 2012 15:54
Lots and lots of hours have gone into working on Flip in the last couple of weeks. Hunter and I were reflecting on how we're not playing games together, instead we're making them. I think I am ok with that (at least for a little while longer).
Flip the Bird Status Update
by Meredith
16. February 2012 15:59

Been doing lots of graphics work over the past few days for our game. It's been kind of nice to have something to focus on that isn't painting related. :P My body doesn't like sitting in a computer chair for very long and I stayed up waaaaaay too late last night putting this ad together, but hopefully the cross promotional ad will help boost sales of the game and the late nights will pay off in the end.
Also staying up into the weeeee hours of the morning, Hunterhas been plugging away at the programming to-do list and making some good progress. I love seeing the new graphics that I put so many hours into creating get animated on the screen. Cool stuff.
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